Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Are you known before you are needed?

"You must be known before you are needed" - Spike Santee
Traditional advertising cannot be given up for only social media.  Your customer will not know to find you if they don't know you exist.  Use your advertising to drive your potential customer to your website or to social media.  Are you known before you are needed?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Success This Way

It is easy to feel defeated when things do not go as planned.  This article was a great reminder that it's not that you failed, it is what you do after a failure that matters.

Embracing Failure on the Path to Success

Monday, May 14, 2012

It Must be Monday!

I am suffering from a major case of writer's block.  A lot of great commercials to write but can't get the ideas to translate onto paper!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Remember...We are The Economy. (That includes you.)

Great read I rec'd today from a site called "Just Sell"

Recovery depends on the work we do today... regardless of difficulty, regardless of political belief, regardless of what the media says. It's our work (your work) that will get us there.

The US Navy SEALS have a creed they live by in their work. A few of my favorite lines are...
  • The lives of my teammates and the success of the mission depend on me... (individual accountability)
  • If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. (resilience)
  • In the worst of conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. (purpose)
  • By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day. (commitment... did you catch that word 'privilege'?)
What if we all had a Trident for our work - something that says we truly accept the responsibility for our chosen profession - and we did it?

You up for it?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Serial First Daters

I remember when I was single, running into articles about "Serial First Daters".  These are people that continuously go on only one date with someone.  Maybe they are afraid of commitment.  Maybe the person they are on the date with is not interesting enough, not creating enough excitement for them.  Maybe they don't have the same interests or political/religious views.  The list and excuses go on and on.  In advertising, I have used the first date as a comparison many times. I want that first date.  I want to get my client on the radio so they can see the power of our reach.  Sometimes, however, I don't get a second date.  They "try" it for a short time and think it does not work.

I have said before that it is important to set expectations.  When I go to a client with a proposal, I have a certain time frame in mind for the message we have created.  Radio works best with consistency (more dates), frequency (dates often) and a great message (excitement, personality).  If any of those components are compromised, so is the success of the campaign. I prefer to "have a relationship" with my clients.  I am here to help them succeed.  A "first date" is not going to be enough for either of us.  It takes a solid investment from both of us.  When a true relationship is created, there is success!