Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'll try anything once!

"I'll try anything once." You've probably said that at some point in your life and if you haven't said it, I know you have heard it. As a small business owner it is easy to get sucked into the excitement of getting your name out there. You find yourself buying a spot on calendars, fancy magnets and phone book covers. Maybe you have purchased booth space at every show that comes to your area. Don't forget newspaper, TV, cable, radio, direct mail, door hangers. You believe in your product or service and by golly, you know everyone else will too. Bad idea. Be strategic with your marketing dollars. Who is your audience? What do they look like? What do they like to do? Why would they need you? Then ask those sales reps that are beating down your door, "how can you help me?" What demographic can they reach for you? What would your message sound like or look like? Ask for them to show you how many people will hear or see your message. Where did those numbers come from? Ask them what you can expect if you advertise with them. Ask the right questions so you can put your dollars where you will get the biggest bang for your buck.

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