Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Which Road Would You Take?

I came across another ad rep that referred to the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.  So I decided to "google" it to see what it said. The poem ends with 

...I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference

I have spent some time lately trying to think of new ways to market different categories of businesses.  There are some categories that seem to advertise the way they always have, yet admit they see little results from it.  This is where I like to explore new ways of reaching their potential customer or client.  That is the really fun part.  The really hard part is finding a great solution and realizing my client, is a little nervous to take the road "less traveled".  Everyone wants to have the new idea and be the first to do it, but in reality, it can be scary.  Sometimes fear can hold us back.  I will never forget what a friend said to me once...I had been offered another job and I really wanted to take it but was really nervous about it because I feared the unknown.  He said, "Have you ever met anyone that got ahead without taking a risk once in a while?"  Needless to say, I took that job!

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